Life relationship

“It is not our purpose to become each other; it is to recognize each other, to learn to see the other and honor him for what he is.”

—Hermann Hesse

To be one and still be you...


Today, is dedicated to sacred love and the experience of union in our relationships. As we have explored, love and spirit are the same force. At the core of every being there is only love, because the core of every being is only spirit. The two are the same—an abstract, unifying force that is all pervasive.  

When we awaken to our essential loving, spiritual nature, we let go of old fears and defenses and connect with others in love. As we recognize the spirit in everyone we meet, we feel a deeper sense of peace, acceptance, and compassion. Our perspective shifts from “I” to “we,” and in this space of expanded awareness, miracles unfold.

You are more powerful and influential than you think! Today use this influence to change the world. Take a few moments to visualize an energy pulse that is filled with love and peace for all. One way to cultivate energy is to clap your hands once and when they touch with impact begin to rub them together, back and forth. Feel and visualize the heat growing and expanding between your hands. Hold this energy ball as if it is the most precious gift you have to offer to the world in this moment. Allow your hands to separate and feel the energy grow within the space between your hands. Open your hands, sending this tangible loving intention to someone you know or to everyone in the world. Once you have offered your gift, let go, knowing that your love has already been received.   

Deepak Chopra


Life relationship

Our bodies are our gardens to which our wills are gardeners.” —William Shakespeare

Miraculous  Self                                                                                                                                                                                         

Today you’re invited to relax into the infinite space of your heart and let yourself receive. 

Many of us were taught that it is better to give than to receive. We easily give our time, energy, and attention to our family and friends, yet we may find it difficult to receive these same things. In reality, giving and receiving are different aspects of the same flow of energy in the universe. Just as every exhalation depends upon an inhalation, the flow of love in our lives depends upon our ability to receive and to care for ourselves. As we meditate today, hold yourself in loving awareness and let your heart receive. 

Mindful Moment
                        Today, begin a practice of daily self-care. Begin by making a list of the loving things you can do for yourself this week—then set the intention to complete one of the items on your list every day. Consider posting the list somewhere prominent or maybe schedule a daily reminder on your phone or computer. Here are a few suggestions: write down one quality you love about yourself, remember to pause and take a few deep breaths when you’re feeling stressed, take a walk or enjoy a good meal with a friend rather than grabbing a sandwich at your desk. As you give freely to yourself you’ll experience the loving awareness that is your natural state.
Deepak Chopra